Coors, Volker; Matthias Betz; Duminil, Eric. A Concept of Quality Management of 3D City Models Supporting Application-Specific Requirements. PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science (2020): 1-12.
Mittelst?dt, Alexandra; K?hler, Sally; Kesnar, Chris; Sihbombing, Rosanny; Duminil, Eric; Coors, Volker; Eicker, Ursula; Schr?ter, Bastian A multi-scale, web-based interface for strategic planning of low-carbon city quarters at ICUI Hongkong
Romero Rodriguez, Laura; Duminil, Eric; Sanchez Ramos, Jose; Eicker, Ursula Assessment of the photovoltaic potential at urban level based on 3D city models: A case study and new methodological approach Laura in Solar Energy
Nouvel, Romain; Brassel, Kai-Holger; Bruse, Marcel; Duminil, Eric; Coors, Volker; Eicker, Ursula; Robinson, Darren SimStadt, a new workflow-driven urban energy simulation platform for CityGML models at CISBAT 2015
Eicker, Ursula; Nouvel, Romain; Duminil, Eric; Coors, Volker Assessing passive and active solar energy resources in cities using 3D city models at 2013 ISES Solar World Congress
Strzalka, Aneta; Alam, Nazmul; Duminil, Eric; Coors, Volker; Eicker, Ursula Large scale integration of photovoltaics in cities in Applied Energy
Gerstmaier, T., van Riesen, S., Gombert, A., Mermoud, A., Lejeune, T., & Duminil, E. (2010, October). Software modeling of FLATCON? CPV systems. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1277, No. 1, pp. 183-186). American Institute of Physics.
Dozent Hochschule Rottenburg a.N.
虎扑篮球_虎扑nba直播-社区*论坛studiengang Sustainable Energy Competence (M.Sc.)
?Mathematisch naturwissenschaftliche Modellbildung“